
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Ultimate Harry Potter Tag

Raise your hand if you are excited for the release of Fantastic Beasts, The Crimes of Grindelwald! If you could see me, you would see that both of my arms are excitedly raised above my head, waving like a fool. I love getting to delve into my favorite world again! I know some people are content for the world to be over, but I'm one of those people who will happily consume every story set in this world. In honor of the release of this movie, I decided to do the Ultimate Harry Potter Book Tag! You can view my video here! I also have attached the questions for the tag below. Tell me in the comments what you are excited for in this new movie? QUESTIONS : GENERAL 1 Favorite book? 2 Least favorite book? 3 Favorite movie? 4 Least favorite movie? 5 Favorite quote? CHARACTERS 6 Favorite Weasley? 7 Favorite female character? 8 Favorite villain? 9 Favorite male character? 10 Favorite professor? WOULD YOU RATHER 11 A, Wash Snape's hair, or B, spend a day listening to Lockha...

NANOWRIMO Character Writing Tips

Welcome back! Today's post is all about writing meaningful characters. This post was inspired by NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month). For those who don't know, NANOWRIMO is a month-long event that takes place during the month of November. The goal is to write 50,000 words in one month. If you are like me, and you prefer tracking your writing by pages, that equates to about 200 pages. It definitely is a big project, but absolutely is doable. When you think about it, that means you will be writing 6-7 pages per day. This year, I am trying to reach my goal of 200 pages by the end of November. I have been writing a novel for about a year, and I am hoping that this event can help me to finish by November 30th. *Fingers Crossed* Character building is an incredibly important aspect of writing any story. So to help my writing friends out, I have compiled a list of my top ten tips to consider when writing your characters. Who are the most important people to them? How ...